All Discussions (37)

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I love old silverware. I'm not talking about using 100% silver in the garden. This is the cheap everyday stuff. If you don't have all the fancy tools to hammer metal, just get a hammer and a old cast iron frying pan and start banging away! A heat gun

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Some of you collector ladies might cringe when I post this but you must remember, this is a gardening site! You don't wear red satin shoes and carry a purse into the garden.....or do you? 

Old purses make wonderful plant containers!

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I'm starting to gather some interesting ideas for drip irrigation systems using recycled pet litter containers, milk jugs and 5 gallon paint/food containers. I would sure like to see this idea built on so if you have further resources please post the

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I do not have a potting table and I can't tell you how many times I wish I had! There are many ways to create this very important work space and recycling old doors and windows can really come in handy for this project. If your limited for space you

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I think there's going to be hundreds of different ways to save water! There are people actually setting up rain barrel collection sites that take the whole crawl space under their houses. I saw a television show a couple years ago on a man in Arizona

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Fresh water is a growing issue all over the world and many of us are very concerned about being able to keep our growing gardens alive. I live on an island and all our water is piped in. Drilling wells is no longer an option because of the problem of

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(Example 1) I have a gardener friend that graduated with a degree in Horticulture from Texas A & M. One of his class assignments was to plant a garden on his apartment porch and see how much he could off-set his food bill. He had to carefully follow

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I have a friend who follows several of the sustainable/permaculture theories that have to do with gardening. She had a herb spiral that was watered by her rain chain! I saw the keyhole gardens and that seems to be something that might be combined som

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Next to fire and the wheel, I think the chair and couch are the next 'Mother of Invention"! I can not pass up an old chair at a garage sale without thinking of it painted some wild color and nestling in the garden somewhere or even being at the place

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Okay, your croquet swing isn't what it use to be. Don't sell that unused set at your next garage sale! That also goes for a lot of other unused sports equipment you have hanging around the garage. Here's a few awesome ideas to get you started!


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I'm female and I think just about every gal loves a good shoe! It's heartbreaking to have to toss them when they get old and worn out. Here's some creative ideas for their future in the


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Garden Bottle Art

I think the real fun is drinking all that wine! Some people are very creative in their use of using bottles and "Bottle Trees" seem to be a favorite among them. So starts our gallery of bottle trees and other cool ideas using bottles.

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