Source of good manure...
I've got lots of green stuff to go into the compost bin now the tomatoes and borage are ready to come out - and think I probably need some manure. Anyone got recommendations for good sources around Auckland?
Read more…I've got lots of green stuff to go into the compost bin now the tomatoes and borage are ready to come out - and think I probably need some manure. Anyone got recommendations for good sources around Auckland?
Read more…We made a big 1.5 m x 1m raised planter of composted earth (to make it easier to avoid digging too far!) and planted the tamarillo, it has flourished.
Now I need space for two tomato plants and I put them in with it this morning, but thought I better
Read more…Hey does anyone have ideas of how to control/kill wandering dew? It seems to be in take-over mode and is spreading itself into all areas of the garden. I'm not sure if this has been partly my fault...if it has lived on through the lawn clippings I'
Read more…Can anyone advise me of where I can get a ginger beer plant (a la I don’t want to use any old yeast. I’m in Auckland.
Read more…What's the minimum for a (temporary) fence to keep rabbits out of a vege patch? (in terms of height etc. and depth beneath ground if that is necessary?)
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Hi everyone, a quick Q on potatoes. Do they need to be in the dark to get them to sprout properly? Mine have been in the light and are taking ages to get anywhere, so I have today moved them back into a dark spot in the garage. You knowledge please!
Read more…hi there,
We are on a sloping, windy, urban section in coastal Christchurch but have planted a good selection of fruit trees (Feijoa, Lemon Meyer, Apricot, Plumcot, Conference Pears, Apple trees). They are all 2 or 3 years old now and most (not the p
Read more…Kia Ora Koutou,
I discovered that a small piece of root ginger sitting on the soil had started to sprout.
Has anyone tried to grow root ginger? Does it get more vigorous growth in spring?
I live in Whanganui, and get less than 10 frosts a year.
Read more…Hi all. I'd like to have a go at growing fresh ginger. Has anyone any idea where I can get a couple of plants to start with??
is there any reason I shouldn't try rotting down noxious weeds in water-filled barrels to create liquid manure? I'm thinking of Kikuyu, wandering Jew and wandering dock at home, and gorse and blackberry on our land. I'd want to give it at least 4-5 m
Read more…Hi everyone!
I am a student with little money and I have found that commercial fertilisers and soil mixes are very expensive. I live in an area with heavy clay soils, so conditioning it is a must! Does anyone have any advice about a cheap and simple
Read more…Hi,
I planted broad bean in feb and they are healthy looking plants, other than a bit of wind damage on one or two. However, they have been flowering for months and no pods have set. The only thing I can think of is I had sugar snaps in the same plac
Read more…Has anyone done the Healthy Growing training programme by Geoff Buckley? He always sends me emails recommending I do his course, but I wanted to know what it is like before paying.
Can anyone tell me when they dig in their nitrogen crops? I have lupins in half my vege patches but have not grown them before. I often notice the garden of an elderly lady that I walk past on the way to work. She dug her lupins in yesterday an
Read more…Does anyone grow, or have knowledge of if we can, how to grow peppercorns in NZ? Or where we would get them fresh?
Ive fallen for the fresh peppercorns which I found in my Duck Curry from kaffir Lime on Symonds Street - such a sumptuous curry it was
Read more…We just got a lot of plants, mostly berry canes and lavenders, from the organic farm of a friend who is selling up. We had to dig them out, and many are close to bare root at the moment.
Since we aren't far enough advanced in the plan for our land to
Read more…There are sooooooo many varieties.We like to grow something a bit different that isn't available in the shops. Grew Black Krims last year, they weren't a family fave. Any recommendations???
Read more…Hello there
I am after some information or advice on the state of my rhubarb. The stalks are about 60mm x 20mm thick and only get a slight tinge of red on them, the leaves are quite large and totally cover all the stems. When I pull the stalks out an
I've grown these for the first time,now they are ready for harvest.What do I do with them?How do people like to eat them/cook them? Any ideas...
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