All Discussions (321)

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Rusty silverbeet! yikes!!

My siverbeet is growing well... but it is getting brown rusty spots on it...I think it is some kind of fungus. I do not like to use chemicals on my garden-does anyone know how to combat this problem of rusty greens?

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Citrus and apple tree spacing

Hi everyone

So a couple of weeks ago we planted out a tahitian lime, satsuma mandarin, and meyer lemon. They're spaced about 1.5 metres apart, and I've since realised that we were a bit over zealous and should have researched it first because they'r

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whats this on my pears?

does anyone know what this disease is I have on my three semi-dwarf pear trees?  It just seems to be affecting the skin, not the flesh.  I have to peel them to eat them.  There doesnt seem to be any other part of the tree affected, a little bit maybe

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I have tried growing this many times without sucess, the seeds just don't germinate, or it they do they get to a couple of centimetres and then die. Soom wwoofers got a bit enthusiastic in the seeds they were planting and now I have 50 or so seedling

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foam on seedlings

I am raising my own seedlings.

I water them once to twice a day.

I watered them this morming and the rocket had this foam on it I removed it before I took a  photo. Oops

But its weird. It looks like building foam insulation but is gooey inside like a

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Black soot/mould on passionfruit

HI all,

I have a 3 year old passionfruit vine and have noticed mould on parts of it this week. It is mainly on fruit - on the stem where it joins the fruit as well as the top quarter of the fruit itself. It has been very dry here so don't think dampn

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Why graft fruit trees

I've been doing a lot of reading about grafting fruit trees, however so far there has been no real explanation as to why??

If you have a very good apple or pear for exaample why not just take a cutting to grow?? Surely this would grow as fast as anyt

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Growing tomatoes

Our tomatoe plants are growing really well in our hot house and flowering profusely, but they are dropping the flowers and therefore not setting any fruit.  Any ideas?  A tomatillo in the same hothouse is performing in exactly the same way.  Could it

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