I've been looking for some caspian sea yogurt for a while, but it seems quite difficult to source. Is there someone here who would be happy to give me some starter? I promise to take very good care of it and share it again!
In our final months of 3 year degree run by Wellpark college in Grey Lynn, Auckland and offering a few full naturopathic consultation/assessment/wellness plan and follow up (total 2.5 hours of clinic time) f
just read this amazing story about a mum nutritionally supporting her child's tooth cavity to heal with butter and codliver oil, ala Weston A. Price. Amazing!
Ive many friends who have had great success at making Kombucha on a regular basis. One friend swears that it is a great liver cleanser and has it every morning. I have yet to get into a solid routine of making Kombucha but am interested to h
At the moment I've got quite a lot of milk kefir granules looking for a good home, or several good homes. I'm happy to post them anywhere in NZ for the cost of ParcelPost Fast.
Can I use vinegar or lemon juice to soak my grains if I don't have Whey?
I did read in on a recipe in N/T for soaking Oats and was hoping it is the case with all grains. Any advice and tips grately appreciated!! Yay for Ooooby!
Hi all. I'm tossing up whether to buy an electric slow cooker. Until now, I've casseroled on an electric stove top (in a massive cast iron Dutch Oven) or in a slow oven. I'm curious as to others' experience with cooking WAP style in slow cookers. And
It would be great to get some feedback from people who were able to get to the Sally Fallon talks throughout the country : ) What were the highlights and what kind of useful information were you able to gather? I heard that there were a lot of people
Please could you let me know if you are from Tauranga and are going over to see Sally. Would you mind having one more in your car? Happy to make a contribution to petrol.
Just to let people in the Waikato know that the Hamilton chapter is up and running again! Our first get-together is on Saturday 17 March from 1pm to 4pm at 2856 River Road, Ngaruawahia. We will have a few samples of various traditional f
Greetings all, My first experience with kefir was in the south of Spain. I used to take Bunny the mule into the Sierra Nevada and meet up with Jose the goat shepherd and buy 40 liters of fresh milk from goats milked by hand. Jose and his father hand
Since starting this group its been interesting to see just how many people are living by and already using alot of the Weston A Price recipies, and also how many people have been more naturally inclined to this type of diet than the usual western one
I bumbled through making stock the other week -- for the first time, following the instructions in Nourishing Traditions. Well, trying. I was left scratching my head a bit, going 'but what does that MEAN?'. Happily some things are just working better
Thought everyone might like to know if there are people in their region supportive of WAP. There are a few WAP chapters already set up in NZ. If there isnt one near your location then perhaps you could start one up and get the ball rolling in your com