All Discussions (321)

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Sifting compost

Someone mentioned to me the idea of sifting compost to get rid of the big bits that might be left/are taking a long time to decompose. Does anyone do this, and what do you use? It looks like there are sieves (or riddles as I've seen them called) spec

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NZ Natives

This is nt the place to do this but I have a question about planting NZ natives for our birds. Maybe we should open up another group where things like this can be discussed. Basically I want some info on what type of trees to plant for our Tui's and

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I awoke this morning to discover that a rabbit has been munching into my beautiful plump cabbages. Not nibbling ... munching!! Help! Any advice?

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I'm interested in what people think is the best way of using seaweed on the garden - dig it straight in, let it break down in compost first, dry and break it up then sprinkle on ground, soak in water till it breaks down then use liquid or something e

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Sad citrus

Help - my citrus are in a bad way. I don't know what to do. I mulched with seaweed last year and pruned. Unrelated to that I am sure I have little to no fruit and heaps of bugs and mites. Very sad lemon and other citrus.Any suggestions?

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Growing Pepino's

I have planted a pepino bush and this last week or so noticed the first little fruits appearing! Yah I thought untill I spotted a brown rotten fruit and inside chomping away was a strawberry red fat ol' catipillar. Needless to say, it is no more but

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My cauli

I would just like to say that yesterday I harvested my first ever cauliflower. You cannot believe how excited and proud I am. Here's a photo of me with my cauli!!! I know that all new gardeners will know just how I feel.


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Soil in wine barrels

I have four wine barrels with some lovely soil in them, a 50/50 mix of regular soil and compost. There's a layer of stones in the bottom for drainage. The only reason I used this rather than potting mix is I got it for a very very good price and mone

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Pony poo

If I get some pony poo and put it in a big bucket with water for a while, is it OK to put it on my vege garden? Do I need to be concerned about how much I dilute it?

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Snow peas

My snow peas went into the soil some time in Autumn and are getting to a decent size now, maybe close to a metre... When should I expect they might start flowering? I ask because a) I want to eat delicious snow peas, and b) I didn't plan where I put

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So we've been starting lots of seedlings inside ready for Spring. This is going to be my first season of starting a vegetable garden myself, so I'm just trying lots of all sorts of different things! Anyway, the seeds we're growing inside are doing re

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Growing Yams

First time 'yam grower'. Can I plant the tumbers available in shops or are they, as with garlic, treated? When is the best time for planting? Does anyone have tubers that they want to sell? I don’t have anything to swop with at the moment!

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