I am desperate for advice. I have a number of tomatoes plants which I
grow on my deck. Most of them grow well, this year I am experimenting
with yellow, green, black and red tomatoes. It is great fun.
Our organic orchard orange tree (Valencia Orange from Koanga) is not looking too good.
It has been fed and watered but leaves are falling off, curling and
have a dark brown staining on their underneath. Fresh growth looks
healthy, but overall the tre
Our pear tree has shot up! It's a Beurre
Rose from Koanga and was planted this year. It has put out one lateral about 1.5m up and a few
smaller growths lower down. We're not sure what to do with this now to
prune and shape and would love some ideas.
My peach tree is dropping all of its leaves and a lot of fruit. Is this normal? How do I stop it? It didnt have much fruit to start with and at this rate ill get one peach if im lucky. (first season living at this house so no idea what last years pro
Have dug 4-5 roots of new potatoes growing in pretty well virgin ground - nothing planted in it for past 20 years - some of the spuds have a dark tunnel in them. One looked as tho a creature had emerged and left it's shed skin behind. I think it's po
I received a reply from Richard, re: my question about potato moth. Richard replied, Richard I tried replying to your reply, but kept pressing wrong button. If you'd send a reply once more I'll try to get back to you properly this time. Thanks, Jean
After these stormy periods (in New Zealand this weekend, but relevant anywhere) is a GREAT time to collect kelp and seaweed from the seashore, which makes excellent mulch (full of nutrients) or additions to the compost heap. I just hook up the traile
One of our two rhubarb plants has green stems - very little redness in them. Are they still OK to eat?
The other plant is a year younger (too small to pick from yet, but has bright red stems....
I've got a capsicum plant in a pot (heaps of room, in a sunny place and watered frequently) and it is flowering with lots of buds, but after a flower is finished, it simply falls off instead of fruiting.
Has anyone else experienced this? I've go
I have just been successful in germinating some chickpea seedlings and wondered if anyone had experience and advice on what growing conditions they like?
We live in West Auckland, and I will be growing them in our raised vege garden.
Regards Diane
Just wondering if anyone could water our garden while we are away?
We live in Sandringham, Auckland and we're going to be away from the 27th to the 10th of Jan.
Next door will be around to look after chookies and other pets and I could ask them to wa
Has anyone growen Cannellino beans? I am wanting to store them for use in the winter. I take it that I would pick them like you would any other bean and then dry them in the pods before storing, am I right on this?
My first crop of potatoes are ready for the picking. What is the best way of storing these beauties? In the past I've put my potatoes in a box in the shed but they almost always goes rotten or start growing again!
Any recommendations for what variety of courgettes to grow in Auckland? I'm keen for ones that have more of a bushy rather than creeping habit if possible as we've got limited space.
Help! Why aren't my watermelon seedlings growing? I grew the plants from seed, they have
grown at least 2 true leaves but now they seem to have stopped growing. Do I water more?
Feed them more worm tea? Last year I tried and didn't have any luck then
I have cherry tomatoes growing in a raised bed in my courtyard up against the house. It is a very warm spot, which I thought was a good place for the tomatoes. Now I am noticing dark spot patches some of the tomato leaves. At first I thought it was s