Hi, a friend gave me a peach tree that grew from a seed. It is only about 1-1/2 to 2 ft. high and still spindly. I live in Southern CA where it is hot, and the earth here is clay. A peach grove was here before the house was built so peaches do grow i
Hi All
I just recently bought some smallish citrus trees to try growing in some very large pots I inherited recently. I have Meyer Lemon, Tahitian lime and a mandarin variety, and I'd love to hear from anyone who's had experience in growing similar t
Hi everyone! Well looks like my beans and tomatos are done and it's time to look at my garden for winter. thinking of planting next week. Is that too late or do I still have time? Once I clear the garden do I feed the soil with sheep pellets etc. Any
I planted 2 small bushes two years ago. One died in the first year.
The remaining one managed to get leafy this year but didn't grow much and had no fruit at all.
It's never looked very healthy.
I'm up in Northland, could it be too hot?
Has anyone g
We have a blueberry bush that we planted about 6 months ago in a big pot on the deck. Over summer it has grown 3 big shoots straight up. The biggest is now about 80cm high. The rest of the bush has grown slightly, but all sits fairly low down.
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience doing this? Therefore going out onto public land and finding wild garlic, chestnuts, fennel, blackberries etc and then picking it and cooking with it?
I have never done it before as I would not kno
Hi everyone. Can anyone help with when to plant Blueberry plants? I notice they are still at the nuseries but when is the right time? My daughter just loves them!
Hi there,
I've just moved back to England for a while and have built some new raised beds, which I'm now proudly filling with soil and manure.
Thing is I'm a bit unsure if the horse poo I've got is well-rotted wnough or not?
Is a good measure of th
I am relaitvely new to raised beds and I am curious about them, because of what I see at the Blackpool community garden. When I was living in the UK a current trend is not to water the garden hardly at all. The reason for this is that roots follow th
My sweetcorn has done really well this year but I notice the strands at the top are already going brown and yet the corn itself seems too small to be ripe - it wasn't put in until November. Dare I peel back a layer and take a peek? is this a sign of
hi guys
who knows where I can purchase new 'pop' up lids for jam (or any other bottled item bought) size jars.
Also I have bought old Agee and Mason jars. Found that the green rings does not fit the Mason jars. The gold ones do. Where can I buy the
i have several varieties of tomatoes that have been incredibly prolific this summer. its been my first season of such successful toms so i've been really pleased. however the main crop seems to be over, but the plants are still growing and putting ou
woe...my raised bed soil is always dry, powdery, and a maze of fine, running, reddish roots. it's about 30% hairy rootmatter, in fact, and doesn't hold water at all.
oh, i 've imported sackfulls of horse poo and armfuls of seaweed, and compost and pe
I have a large Banana Palm in my back yard.
I've cut off and dug out the main stem (well thought i had) and now have a heap of smaller shoots coming up after the recent rain.
Any one have any ideas on how to get rid of it?
Hi, I have been given Goji Berry plants, a power food/fruit from Tibet. Anyone tried planting these? Wonder how well they will do here on the island? I welcome any suggestions.
I would appreciate any help about when to harvest my chili's as its the first time I have grown them. Currently I have two plants which have a couple of green ones that are a decent size and one that is very large. I am wondering do I need to wait