Home- made Chook Food
Does anyone have a recipe for a homemade chook food that could be used as an alternative to the commercially availiable mash and crumble mixes? I'd like to know what grains and extras to include.
Read more…Does anyone have a recipe for a homemade chook food that could be used as an alternative to the commercially availiable mash and crumble mixes? I'd like to know what grains and extras to include.
Read more…UNSEXED chookies. the mother jumped the fence to three roosters (black orpington, light sussex & brown shaver- I think, he's got a bit of red in him) so babies are a real mix. they free to a good home, I can't guarantee sexes sorry!
Read more…I have to make a decision regarding getting ducks this morning. They are 2 almost 3 week old chicks, Indian Runner/Rouen cross, so flightless. Hopefully female, at least that's what the lady who currently has them was told; I don't know how early you
Read more…I have 4 chooks of mixed varieties, one a big fat ex-broiler, 2 red ones and a skinny white one who thinks she's a rooster. Someone is breaking eggs. Does anyone know why, and what I can do (I don't want to wring their necks...). They have plenty of
Read more…We got our three point of lay hamburg pullets just over a week ago, from Fred van Lier, and they have been laying for us pretty much since then. Not a lot (rate of 250 per year per bird), and they're medium size (approx 42.5 grams to be precise) but
Read more…I found 7 eggs yesterday....which is a surprise as I've only got 6 hens in there ;) We're getting to the stage now of having more eggs than we can comfortably use (the problem is one member of the household has an egg intolerance and can't handle lar
Read more…I have two 7 week old lavender Araucanas and I'm trying to tell which gender they are. They look very different. One has no tail at all and the other has a big tail, similar to the Gold Laced Wyandottes of the same age. They both have similar behavio
Read more…I've posted some info about our system on the general chat in this forum, but thought I'd start a specific discussion if that's ok. I get a bit lost in all the posts on different topics. Basically, we've moved into a new rental and the owner wants u
Read more…I am looking for red/brown shavers.Preferable not $40 each.Does anyone know where I could find these.I have looked on trade me but they seemed expensive.
Read more…I'd like to keep poultry and am pretty much a beginner. Can anyone briefly explain the pros and cons of chooks versus ducks?
Read more…Hi all, I saw, not very long ago (a month or two) a very smart plan for a chicken house. I was sure it was here on Ooooby, but I really can't find it. If anyone has an idea of where I can find them again PLEASE get in touch! It was all cut out from 2
Read more…Hi all, I've had my rescued girls for about 2 months now and they are starting to lay. However, it appears that one or two are laying while sat on the roost/bar as I'm finding broken eggs below it. Some have laid in the nesting boxes (of which there
Read more…If anyone is interested I have a black (with the bluey twinge) Orpington and a Light Sussex roosters for sale. About 8 months old and very healthy boys. I can send photo's, my email is roydjeffie@xtra.co.nz if you have any questions. Alternatively 02
Read more…I'm interested in purchasing a kitset chook house in NZ. Does anyone have any experience or recommendations for particular companies? I've done a bit of searching online, but difficult to tell sometimes re quality etc. I live on Waiheke Island so ha
Read more…We would like 2 medium-strength layer hens and 2 pets. Went to the the Kumeu poultry show recently and liked the Hamburghs for layers and Silkies for pets. Bit we're having trouble finding a breeder. Can anyone here help us? Maybe we could relax ou
Read more…I wonder if i can improve our success at broody hen-hatched chicks, what is the best setup people have used for a broody? Our nest boxes are wooden and raised off the ground, they get fairly dirty with many hens visiting to keep laying even when one
Read more…I was told washing can allow pathogens to get through the shell is this true, and if so whats the best way to clean eggs
Read more…Not sure if this has been covered already, but will ask anyway. We have a 30mtr chicken run and coop with fencing about 7-8ft high to keep predators at bay. The chooks (7 in total) all love roaming, but a few seem to get out, and are no doubt flying
Read more…Every month or so I put a clove of raw garlic in the chickens drinking water and a splash of cider vinegar. This is a natural organic drench for worms. I empty and provide clean water after about 48 hours. Has anybody got any other ideas to worm chi
Read more…Your thoughts please. I have 9 chooks that free-range around our almost 2-acre plot. I love them wandering about but having gone from 5 chooks to the now 9 the increase in poo is, errrm, noticeable! My two dogs LOVE to eat the chicken poo - should
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