Does anyone know where I can get a good and clear plan of a chook tractor I can build at home? I have read somewhere it needs about 3 sq metres and have seen a photo of the A-frame tractor with a covered portion and with 2 wheels on one corner.
Our two beautiful golden-laced wyandottes and one light sussex chooks turned out to be roosters the other day!
Hen chicks turning into roosters has been a bit of a saga for us over the last half year. Raewyn at kindly took the boy
My beautiful dorking - Tulip - is broody. She is sitting all day - but does get off for a little while if I lift her off. Will she eventually give it up if I leave her to it? Or will I have to do something to stop her broodiness. She has stopped
My ex-battery hens have settled in well so I want to start free ranging them in the yard... how high does the fance need to be to stop them escaping? And if I can't clip their wings (they are not at all keen on the idea and won't let me near them) -
Hi Just let you know there is a campaign thru safe no cages campaign to send a submission to Mr keys before the end of the month. I urge you all to do this ,as chicken lovers we all know they deserve more .There is a man in the south island spending
I have 3 Wynadottes, I think the oldest is 23 weeks old and they are absolutely huge, dwarfing our red shaver, but they still haven't started laying yet, is it time to attach a sink plunger to the chooks "vent" and start pulling?
Well, as I expected, I have now got mice... I don't mind too much if they stay outside but one has recently invaded my house. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to deter them or get rid of them? I'd prefer something natural but am h
For the last 2 days "Fireman Sam" (thats what happens when a 4yr old boy names the chooks), has been going nuts for 4 or 5 hours at a time then just settles down and chooks around normally.
When she goes nuts, shes in the nesting box pulling all th
Hey I'm wondering if anyone out there can offer some advice or ideas. I've just hatched 2 doz eggs in an incubator and 4 of the chicks have become limp and can't stand, they just scrabble about on their stomachs. 2 of them keep rolling onto their s
Hey guys I have about 5 young roos needing new homes. I'm in Queenstown but travel to Alex quite a bit and am heading to Invers on Saturday so may be able to drop off to someone out of town. Would love to trade for what have you or just give these g
We're going overseas for a couple of months and looking to farm out our chooks while we're away, thinking that they might be useful for someone on their property who wants some mowing done and/or large delicious plentiful eggs.
My flatmates and I want to start out with chickens, maybe in the spring of this year. We are looking for information about keeping hens and I was wondering if there were any book or internet recommendations that
I'd love to add a Barred Rock Pullet to my flock of two NH Red pullets of about 4 months old. I've also got a few cockerels at the moment, but they are about to go live on a farm to fatten up as they are getting too noisy for the neighborhood. I'm in
16 month old audrey is looking unwell. she is still laying, still eating but looks skinny and is losing lots of feathers. Is she moulting or is something more sinister going on? do people take their chooks to the vet? please see her photo which is
Are the natural wormers effective has any one had success? How long is the witholding period for the chemical ones? and also need to worm the disgusting dog who eats the chook s*** if he gets a chance and suggestions for worming chooks and keeping th
My chickens have one of Grandpa's feeders where they stand on it and it opens for them to eat. While in the training process some hedgehogs also have figured out how to use the feeder and now they are continuing to open the feeder at night eat all th
We have what we think might be a broody hen. She stays in the nest most of the day, but doesn't lay. Think that she is also hogging the nest box so that other hens can't lay! Haven't had an egg in days. (We have two nest boxes but they a
I have a Drake who seems to be fascinated by my chooks! I have a duck who he hangs out with and seems to duck flirt with but he is seriously annoying my poor ladies. Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop this backyard philandering?????